IN 8 DAYS: Season 3 & the end of autumn…
Join us to hear four live short stories of trans/queer grief practice.
Join us in one week on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 5-6pm EDT (2-3pm PDT) to say goodbye to autumn and hear from four new storytellers at Communion: Queer & Trans Memorial & Mourning #3.
Tala Khanmalek (any) will speak about grieving dead dads. Ve is a Los Angeles-based writer/scholar/educator with an interest in sailing.
ai onubogu (they/them) will speak about re-membering womanhood. They are Jersey born and raised, listening always for the worlds flying overhead.
Teddy Max Pozo (they/them) will speak about top surgery, clay sculpture, and simulating memory. They are a Los Angeles-based cartoonist, game designer, educator, and scorpio, with an interest in archaic technologies, dogs, and tattoos.
Anthony Yooshin Kim (he/him) will speak about grandmotherly haunting. He is a Korean American writer, film curator, and Aries, with an undying passion for karaoke.
Join us by using the registration button above to obtain the event Zoom link. Note: this event is never recorded.
Many thanks, always, to thee J. Marshall Smith.